Monday, 2 May 2011

3 days to go

Lots more letters delivered and a short  break at a friend's:

Eddie Izzard and other supporters from across the country talk about why they are saying Yes on Thursday.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

4 days to go

Resting out of the way:

And another amusing "grassrots" poster from the  #yes2av campagin:

Saturday, 30 April 2011

5 days to go

Topless bike in the Bank Holiday weather:

The Economist online debate has moved on to the rebuttal stage with closing statements to come on Monday.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

1 week left!

Through the round window:

The spring flowers are out and the long weekend is a good opportunity to campaign.  The grassroots campaigners have been getting all creative too:

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

8 days to go - guest stars

Hens for AV:

The Economist is running one of its series of online debates on the referendum.

9 days to go

Standing out from the crowd:

We had family commitments this evening but were greatly cheered to see several groups of YES campaigners around Cambridge on our errands.

The song about AV now has a video:

Monday, 25 April 2011

10 days to go

More leafletting today - nearly 800 in total to streets in my neighbourhood over the weekend.

Another video from Dan Snow, this time taking a historical view on the failings of FPTP:

And the Independent today looks at 2 years of using AV to select the Best Picture Oscar.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

11 days to go

No cycling today, just lots and lots of leafletting on foot.  And more tomorrow!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

12 days to go: AV, not rubbish

This slogan could use more work, but the bin (essential purchase for the garden) did pretty much guarantee double-takes from everyone we passed on the way home.

Today a video explaining AV with reference to pubs and coffee:

Friday, 22 April 2011

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Just 2 weeks to go - and a caption competition

Today's photo leaves us lost for words, so please suggest your own caption in the comments.  

Our favourite of those received by end of Easter Sunday will get a small chocolate prize (your choice of milk, dark or white chocolate, no preference ranking required).

Now is also a good time to suggest places to photograph one or both of the bikes around Cambridge, as we can make the most of the 2 four-day weekends between now and polling day.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

15 days to go

End of the road for First Past The Post?

This excellent if lengthy post by Professor Tim Gowers  covers the case for AV thoroughly and funnily, with helpful slogans.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Monday, 18 April 2011

17 days to go

Antony Green explains how AV votes don't "count more than once" with reference to the London Olympic bid.  And the IPPR released a report today saying the modern electorate is more "promiscuous" and less tribal, and better served by AV than FPTP.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

21 days to go

The Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) published referendum poll results today showing YES well ahead of NO, but still a large undecided section.  In addition it found nearly 60% of people found voting 1,2,3 was easy to understand.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

23 days to go

The deadline to register to vote is Thursday 14th - the day after tomorrow.

Found via twitter: this video explaining AV with stop-motion animation:

Saturday, 9 April 2011

26 days to go

And we couldn't resist a combination of baby video and political comment:

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

6th April - by request!

LJ user Emperor asked for a photo outside Little Saint Mary's: our first request photo.  We'll happily do more, where it's safe, legal and practical to do so.  Please comment below to make a request.

The Bakfiets became a Cavfiets:

Also in Cambridge next Monday there is a YES versus NO debate at 7.30pm. It is at St Luke's Church, Victoria Road, Cambridge, CB4 3DZ.  More details from Yes To Fairer Votes.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

5th April - alone in a crowd

Bike parking at the station is ridiculously overcrowded:

If you thought a bike blog was a bit nerdy, someone wrote an entire song about the AV referendum.

Monday, 4 April 2011

4th April - both bikes out and about

The Bakfiets poses with an elegant piece of art

while the Pointer feels a bit left out in a less glamorous setting:

Today's links: Kerning and AV made one of the riders laugh.  The other was keener on a graphic comparing voter decision processes under AV and FPTP.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

2nd April - relaxing at home

Chilling out in our driveway, all set to go and spread the word in the next few weeks.

Also today, the main Yes campaign launched the final push with Eddie Izzard, Amisha Ghadiali, Martin Bell, Kriss Akabusi & a selection of grassroots campaigners: see the video here.

Friday, 1 April 2011

1st April - starting off gently

Today's post: just another bike in a commuter rack:

Also on 1st April, the main YES campaign highlighted grassroots campaigner, Jonathan Bates