Monday, 2 May 2011

3 days to go

Lots more letters delivered and a short  break at a friend's:

Eddie Izzard and other supporters from across the country talk about why they are saying Yes on Thursday.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

4 days to go

Resting out of the way:

And another amusing "grassrots" poster from the  #yes2av campagin:

Saturday, 30 April 2011

5 days to go

Topless bike in the Bank Holiday weather:

The Economist online debate has moved on to the rebuttal stage with closing statements to come on Monday.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

1 week left!

Through the round window:

The spring flowers are out and the long weekend is a good opportunity to campaign.  The grassroots campaigners have been getting all creative too:

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

8 days to go - guest stars

Hens for AV:

The Economist is running one of its series of online debates on the referendum.

9 days to go

Standing out from the crowd:

We had family commitments this evening but were greatly cheered to see several groups of YES campaigners around Cambridge on our errands.

The song about AV now has a video:

Monday, 25 April 2011

10 days to go

More leafletting today - nearly 800 in total to streets in my neighbourhood over the weekend.

Another video from Dan Snow, this time taking a historical view on the failings of FPTP:

And the Independent today looks at 2 years of using AV to select the Best Picture Oscar.